AST 2 Course Information Package

If you landed on this page from a Google search here is an overview of our AST 2 courses, or read on for a detailed description.

If you have already signed up for a course please read this information package carefully. It should answer all your questions but if not you can contact me.

Course participants NEED TO DO THE FOLLOWING:

The following information is included in this package:

  • Risk discussion

  • Mountain rescue information

  • Medical issues

  • Your instructors

  • Important dates and times

  • Course itinerary

  • Pre course preparation

  • Places to stay


It is important to understand that no matter how well prepared we are there is still an element of risk to backcountry skiing. Some of these risks include:

  • snow avalanche

  • cornice fall

  • falling while walking

  • falling while skiing

  • collisions while skiing

  • weather events

You will all need to sign a waiver when you arrive for the course. Please read the waiver before the trip so you understand what the risks are and what you will be signing when you begin the trip.

Safety is our number one priority. You all trust the guides to be dialed in and to be able to rescue you in case of an accident, but it goes both ways. Our risk is shared and we need to trust you to be able to do the same for us!

The most important person in managing your personal risk and the risk of the group is YOU. If you prepare even just a little bit beforehand it is very helpful and the families of both the other participants and the guides thank you. There are a variety of ways you can help manage risk on this trip:

  • Be physically fit and rested when coming into the trip.

  • Listen to the guides’ instructions and if you are uncertain of what is expected of you please ask!

  • Be aware of the situation around you. As you travel through the terrain think of what you can do to reduce risk for yourself and the group (EG place yourself in a safe spot at regroups in avalanche terrain, keep the glacier rope tight, place yourself in the best position to avoid rockfall etc).

  • Practice avalanche rescue prior to the course. At the very least understand all of the functions of your avalanche transceiver and how to search for at least 2 burials. An avalanche rescue practice is included on Day 2 but we would really appreciate if you practice with the entire kit (transceiver, shovel and probe) before the course to get the most of the practice you will do on the course.

  • Speak up. If you see something you feel is hazardous, mention it to the guide. If you feel uncomfortable with what you perceive is a risk, mention it to the guide. We can discuss your concerns and change what we are doing if necessary.

Traveling in the mountains together as a group is all about having trust in each other’s abilities. In over 30 years of guiding I have only had to deal with three minor incidents requiring an immediate evacuation. We do not expect an accident but we need to be prepared in case there is one. The more we trust each other the more we will all enjoy our time in the mountains together because we know we are able to take care of each other in the unlikely case there is a problem.

Mountain Rescue and Rescue Insurance

I  nearly thirty years of guiding I have only had two guest evacuations from the field for minor injuries and one for a medical condition. The probability that we will need a rescue are low.

The plan is to operate in the national parks where mountain rescue is provided free of charge if you have a valid vehicle permit when you enter the park.

Medical Issues

If you have any pertinent medical issues that I should know about, please make sure you include that when you fill in the guest information form.

Your Instructors

The lead instructor is Mark Klassen. I have been working as a ski patroller, guide and avalanche forecaster since the mid 80's and am an ACMG/IFMGA certified Mountain guide. 

Adam Greenberg is the instructor on Town of Banff organized courses. Adam is an experienced ski guide who lives in Banff and has been teaching AST courses for several years.

Other instructors may be on your course if Mark or Adam are unavailable.

Important Dates and Times (Mountain Standard Time)

If you are uncertain whether this is a Town of Banff organized course please ask.

Town of Banff BanffLife or MountainLife courses: Fenlands Recreation Centre.

8.30 AM Day 1: Classroom session.

7 AM Day 2: Meet at the Fenlands in Banff. The field day will be held on Highway 93 North in the Crowfoot Trees area. Final logistics will be discussed on Day 1.

7 AM, Days 3 & 4: Meet at Fenlands, field sessions are held in various locations in the Rockies.

For all other courses: Location to be announced.

8.30 AM Day 1: Classroom session.

8 AM Day 2: Meet in Lake Louise or Banff. The field day is usually held on Highway 93 North in the Crowfoot Trees area but final logistics will be discussed on Day 1.

8 AM, Days 3 & 4: Field sessions are held in various locations in the Rockies.

Meeting place for field days will be organized during the course. We may be inside or outside for our morning meeting. Please be prepared to stand outside for some time as we go through a pre-trip briefing. Warm clothes and boots are essential!

Course Itinerary

Day 1: Topics to be covered include:

  • Avalanche types and sizing

  • Mountain snowpack

  • Understanding avalanche bulletins

  • Decision making

  • Terrain evaluation

Day 2: Field day, usually in the Crowfoot Trees area. We will start the day with a group meeting to review weather and avalanche information. Then apply that to terrain and decide what terrain we are able to expose ourselves to. In the field we will perform an avalanche rescue practice, discuss snowpack and terrain, and have a look at snow layering. We will not travel very far on this day, it will be more observation and learning based.

Days 3 and 4: Each morning will start with a group meeting where students will come in having done some preparation the night before. Each day we will attempt longer and more involved trips than the day before (conditions permitting). Emphasis will be on using terrain to lower risk. Be prepared to spend evenings doing trip planning and perhaps having group discussions.

Possible Trips

  • Rockies: Crowfoot Trees, Observation Peak, Bow Summit area, Helen Shoulder, Crystal Ridge, Emerald Lake slide path, Chickadee Valley, etc

Possible Itinerary Changes

There is always the possibility of having to change this itinerary due to weather or snow conditions.  

Pre-Course Preparation

Before the course please do the following:

  • Read as much as you can from a technical book such as Bruce Tremper's Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain. You need to understand how the faceting and rounding processes work within the snowpack, and how surface hoar is formed. If you do not do this you will fall behind in your understanding of the concepts I will present.

  • Keep track of what the weather is doing the week previous to the course. Avalanche Canada has a good weather resource here.

  • Keep track of the avalanche bulletins for Banff National Park and Glacier National Park for at least a week before the course. Use the glossary available on those bulletin pages to understand the different terms that are used.

  • Have a look at the Mountain Information Network and ACMG Mountain Condition Reports.

  • Good touring information for Banff can be found here and for Glacier find it here.

Places to Stay

There are many hotels and hostels to stay at in both the Banff/Canmore area. For inexpensive accommodation I suggest:

  • Alpine Club of Canada Clubhouse (Canmore)

  • HI-Banff Alpine Centre (hostel)

  • YWCA (Banff)

  • Same Sun Hostel (Banff)

  • HI-Lake Louise Alpine Centre (hostel)


  • Click here to read and understand the guide waiver. You will need to sign this waiver at the beginning of the trip. It is important that you understand it before you arrive. You will also need to sign a second, similar waiver for Avalanche Canada.

  • Have a look at the gear list and make sure you are able to bring everything on the list.

  • Let me know if you need me to provide any equipment for you.


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